Aug 1Liked by Lilith Rebellion

Very interesting. There's a lot to ponder. Thank you.

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I read a book about the planetary transits people experience in each decade of their lives. What confused me was why everyone experiences the same transits at the sametimeof our lives, despite the fact that we were all born at different times. How does that work?

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Hi Sue, great question!

Usually this is referring to slower moving transits, where the planet is aspecting itself in the birth chart, such as: Jupiter-Jupiter, Saturn-Saturn (e.g., the famous "Saturn Return" which happens at the same time for everyone), Uranus-Uranus, Neptune-Neptune, Pluto-Pluto.

The slower planets have a mostly consistent orbit through the zodiac signs (although Pluto is a bit erratic), so it is possible to easily predict when they will begin aspecting their birth chart position, which will be at a similar age for everyone. Everyone will experience their Saturn return (Saturn-Saturn conjunction) around age 28-31 for example, and everyone will experience their Uranus-Uranus opposition in their early 40s.

This only works with the same planet. It won't work with Saturn transits to natal Venus for example - these transits will be unique to the birth chart positions.

I hope that make sense!

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That's great! Thank you very much!

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Hi again!

I should add that this also happens with the faster moving planets, although it is usually the slower planets that astrologers are referencing when discussing things like generational transits. The key is really that it involves a transit of one planet to the same planet in the birth chart.

So, we can trust that everyone will have a solar return once per year on their birthday (Sun conjunct natal Sun) for example, because of the Sun's consistent movement through the zodiac. All children are said to go through the "terrible twos" at age two, because at some point in their second year of life they experience their first Mars return (Mars conjunct natal Mars).

So yes, can refer to faster planets too! I just wanted to clarify that :)

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Thank you, very interesting. Do you work with Dark Moon Lilith? What's she up to at the moment?

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Hi Sue, sorry for the delay!

There's a few different of calculated points that are used for Dark/Black Moon Lilith. I primarily use the "true" calculation in birthcharts (although I use the mean as well), but the true calculation is too erratic to use for transit interpretations, so I use the "mean" calculation of BML when tracking transits.

Currently she is in Libra at 5 degrees, moving toward a conjunction with the South Node over the next few weeks. Perhaps, around this time, some of us will be processing some material around how we relate to the "taboo and dangerous feminine," and the "bad girl vs good girl archetypes."

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Aug 15Liked by Lilith Rebellion

Thank you for that! As I've just entered early elderhood by turning 60, my manifestation of this is as the "loathly old woman" who speaks uncomfortable truths. As elder women we're supposed to keep quiet and disappear into the background. I've never been one to comply!

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