It’s interesting to me that the zodiac begins with two signs, Aries and Taurus, that are both represented by four-legged male animals - the ram and the bull. Arguably these two animals have a lot in common, especially in comparison to the other ten astrological symbols (Capricorn, the sea or mountain goat, would be the other zodiacal animal with similarities to these two).
The ram (i.e., the male “bighorn sheep”) and the bull (the male counterpart to a female cow), are both symbols of power, virility, and strength. Both animals have been, and still are, considered to be sacred by many cultures throughout history.
Together, the Ram and the Bull, welcome us into the Spring season in the Northern hemisphere.
This blog post will focus on the celestial events taking place in the sign of Aries, soon to be followed by a blog post that will focus on what is happening in the sign of Taurus. You’ll want to refer back to both bog posts as time unfolds, since the big Aries and Taurus stuff overlap throughout April and May.
So what’s the big deal with April this year?
The astrological year launched with the equinox as the Sun leapt on to 0° Aries on March 20, 2024.
Entering into Aries Season means we have also entered eclipse territory as we continue our journey with the nodal axis traveling through Aries and Libra.
I would say April is the most hyped month of 2024, astrologically speaking - at least from a traditional astrology perspective.
This is largely because…
There is a dramatic total solar eclipse occurring on April 8, 2024 at 19° Aries. Solar eclipses, especially total eclipses, are a big deal in astrology, representing a significant ending and new beginning among other things.
The solar eclipse Path of Totality moves across the United States, which means the darkness the eclipse creates as the Moon moves in front of the Sun, will be visible for those living on the path extending from the southeastern to northeastern US (and eastern Canada). This is noteworthy for those who live in the United States and for those who are impacted by actions taken by the US as a country (which is nearly everyone at some level).
The Aries solar eclipse is ruled by Mars, which is applying to a conjunction with Saturn in Pisces when the eclipse occurs (this conjunction perfects on April 10th). Mars and Saturn are the two main “baddies” in traditional astrology, i.e. “malefics,” who will share the stern energy of their meeting with the eclipse.
More modern astrologers who use additional planetary bodies in their interpretation have noted that the eclipse is exactly conjunct Chiron in Aries, the wise yet wounded centaur. This is interesting.
Mercury will be retrograde in Aries at the time the eclipse occurs in a 5° conjunction with the eclipse itself, adding a dose of potential confusion to an event which may already carry a lot of intense energetic charge.
And then finally, on a different note, the much anticipated conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus will take place at 21° Taurus on April 20th. Outer planet aspects may not be particularly dramatic on the day they perfect since these are slower influences, but they receive a lot of attention in astrology because they do not happen often, and because they signify really important evolving narratives that have a lasting impact on the world.
For the most part, the major transits of May are basically an echo of April's big astrology.
Aside from Mars’ noteworthy conjunction to Saturn (and Neptune) in Pisces, the big stories in April and May cluster powerfully around zodiac signs 1 and 2, Aries and Taurus, the ram and the bull.
In May, April’s astrology is reactivated as the Sun and Venus conjoin with Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus, and Mars enters Aries (the sign it rules) and begins traversing the eclipse and rx zone, making conjunctions with both the North Node and Chiron in Aries.
On May 25th Jupiter enters Gemini and we will all be grasping after our runaway attention and focus. I’ll leave that for another post since it feels like a distinct chapter.
Aries and Taurus occupy two side-by-side houses in your natal chart. Locating these two houses in your natal chart and keeping their thematic domains in mind, will help you track the unfolding of these stories over the next two months.
Before I continue with this astronavigation guide I want to mention the lunar eclipse in Libra that occurred on March 25, 2024. In contrast to the upcoming solar eclipse in Aries, this lunar (full moon) eclipse was relatively mild, globally speaking, but I recommend reflecting back to the solar (new moon) eclipse that occurred six months ago on October 14, 2023 at 21° Libra. This one was much “louder” and more potent than the recent lunar eclipse in Libra that it corresponds to.
Consider what themes were prominent then, and any developments in that storyline you are noticing now.
Last October I wrote a detailed post on the Libra lunar eclipse and for the first time I thoroughly documented how I have come to understand the lunar nodal axis on which eclipses take place. This post may also help jog your memory as to what was happening at that time. You can read that here.
[Note to Email Readers: due to the length of this essay it may be cut off by your email provider. Click here to read the full post on Substack.]
How do you relate to the mythology of Aries (and Chiron)?
One way to begin preparing for these powerful, upcoming Aries activations, is by reflecting on the themes and mythology of Aries in general - then consider how you personally relate to these pieces of symbolism and myth.
Many of the myths related to the sign of Aries are about the planet/god that rules Aries - Mars (to the Romans) and Ares (to the Greeks).
However, the association between the constellation of Aries and the symbology of the ram, may have emerged from the ancient Greek myth of the golden fleece which is summarized as follows…
A magical golden ram with wings, named Chrysomallos, was sent to rescue Prince Pheixus from being sacrificed to the gods (a plot devised by his jealous stepmother). When Pheixus reached safety at the home of King Aeetes of Colchi he followed through on his instructions to sacrifice the ram in gratitude to Zeus. He then presented the ram’s golden fleece to his host, King Aeetes.
King Aeetes treasured the golden fleece and its magic brought him great wealth and success. He hung it from an oak tree in a sacred grove dedicated to the god Ares (aka, Mars, Aries), where it was guarded by a fire-breathing dragon.
Unfortunately (for King Aeetes) Jason and his band of heroes, the Argonauts, were able to sneak the golden fleece away from the dragon in order to use its magic and power to reclaim Jason’s throne from his uncle. Therefore, in addition to bestowing wealth and success, the magical golden fleece of the flying ram has come to represent authority, leadership and power.

Stories about the god Ares and his more dignified evolution as Mars, tend to center on his warring nature and his dramatic love affairs.
The Greek Ares, the lover of Aphrodite (among many others), was the unfavoured bloodthirsty god of battle, of reckless destruction and cruel aggression, and he governed over all the violence involved in killing.
The Roman Mars inherited many of Ares’ attributes and stories, but he was more respected as the noble god of war and of the military; the fierce protector and ancestor of the Roman people, seeking to secure peace; the guardian of agriculture; and the lover of Venus (among many others).
The glyph for the planet Mars, the ruler of the sign of Aries, resembles both an erect penis and a spear with a shield (a symbol of war).
The animals that were traditionally considered sacred to Mars include the wolf and the woodpecker, due to its determined strength.
The association of the ram with Aries seems to have primarily come through the myth of the golden fleece - the golden fleece from the flying ram was hung in a grove dedicated to the god Ares. The head-butting that rams (and woodpeckers) are known for, is certainly on point for Aries’ symbolism.
Aries is a cardinal fire sign, which I did my best to depict in this elemental collage:
People who have the sign of Aries or the planet Mars prominent in their birth chart, tend to give off warrior-type vibes. They may be athletes with strong compact bodies, they may have a “don’t mess with me” look, they may engage in occupations that involve sharp edges and/or fire, and they may be reckless and rash, or courageous and brave - with more capacity for risk-taking than most people. They are typically quite independent and competitive.
Aries/Mars types are magnetized to intense situations and crises. You’ll likely find Aries or Mars strong in the charts of paramedics, firefighters, and other high-risk rescue professions that demand a fast response. Themes of violence and/or anger may be prominent in their life story - whether channeled through them, toward them, or around them.
Strong Aries or Mars also show up strongly in the charts of ambitious and brave leaders due to a few key ingredients: Aries/Mars types are pros at “initiating something new”; they thrive on stepping forward into the unknown; they fix their eyes on success or “winning”, whatever that means in their context; and I would say there’s also usually a longing to be some kind of “hero” who, through courageous acts, protects and helps others.
You can see how many of these Aries/Mars traits are connected to their namesakes, the gods Ares and Mars, and the warrior archetype.
As you read through these descriptions and stories of the flying ram and his golden fleece, Ares and Mars as gods, and traits and behaviors that are usually attributed to Aries/Mars types, what comes up for you?
Resonance? Disgust? Judgement? Confidence? Insecurity? Shame? Desire?
Any response you might have is good information. It helps you unpack your relationship to this energy, which is about to intensify in the collective.
As we move through Aries season I’ve been spending some time reflecting on the mythology of the magical flying ram and his golden fleece in particular.
From my perspective, the theme of sacrifice lies at the root of this myth: Pheixus’ life is spared while the life of his rescuer, the golden ram, is sacrificed in his place in an act of gratitude.
This reminds me a lot of the theme of sacrifice that emerges in the myth of Chiron who ends up exchanging his life for the freedom of Prometheus, the one who brought the gift of fire to humankind.
Chiron - a centaur conceived by rape, abandoned by his parents, and wounded by a misdirected arrow - has been traveling through the sign of Aries since 2018 where he’ll be until 2027.
Largely known for his pain and suffering, Chiron was also a multi-skilled teacher and wise mentor to many of the Greek heroes and warriors.
In natal charts, Chiron often indicates areas of life where we have felt abandoned, shamed, rejected or excluded/exiled. It is a place in the chart, indicated by sign/house/aspects, where we often feel deeply victimized. Simultaneously, this is also an area of life where we have some profound treasure to offer to the healing of the collective once we have made this gift accessible by commencing our own healing journey.
All the upcoming activations of Aries are intimately tied to Chiron’s story, his symbolism, and his teachings.
Since Aries has a tendency toward acts of heroism and self-sacrifice anyway (as illustrated in the myth of the golden ram), it has occurred to me that courageous acts of self-sacrifice may be a particularly significant theme threading through Aries activations while Chiron resides there.
Between February 19th and March 5th, Chiron was tightly conjunct both the true and mean north node of the moon. The moon’s north node amplifies and deepens the desire of whatever it touches - in this case, Chiron in Aries.
In between these two calculations, on the morning of February 25, 2024, Aaron Bushnell, a young serviceman of the United States Air Force, posted on Facebook:
"Many of us like to ask ourselves, 'What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?' The answer is, you're doing it. Right now."
He then sent out the following message to news outlets:
"Today, I am planning to engage in an extreme act of protest against the genocide of the Palestinian people.” (source)
That afternoon, while dressed in military uniform, Aaron lit himself on fire in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. while shouting: "Free Palestine!" He was declared deceased later that day.
I wish Aaron had not died, I wish humans would stop inflicting cruel violence on each other, and I want a ceasefire in Palestine.
I don’t believe astrology “caused” Aaron’s self-sacrificial death by fire, and I certainly would not condone future similar actions by others.
However, the symbolic resonance between his actions and Chiron-in-Aries themes, are powerful. How you personally responded when you heard about this extreme act of protest in the news, which garnered so many conflicted reactions, likely speaks to how you relate to the symbology and energy of Aries and Mars.
Immediately after the act Aaron was praised and honoured for his heroic and courageous sacrifice, and at the same time, Aaron was also framed by many news outlets as a Chironic figure in order to discredit him - e.g., as someone who may have had mental health issues, a wounded person living on the fringes of society, etc.
Beyond this theme of self-sacrifice, the Chiron-in-Aries pain points for the individual and the collective may orbit around some of the following themes (which will become louder in April and May 2024):
Hero vs. victim identities
Independence vs. selfishness or stubborn pride
Aggression, war, conflict, and expressions of anger
Fear and courage
Risk-taking vs. staying safe
Competition and the need to “win”
Ambition and burn-out
Initiating, accessing the “just do it” spark of motivation
Addiction to high-adrenaline crisis situations
How have you noticed the Chiron-in-Aries pain points showing up in your life?
Specific guidance for each activation of Big Ram Energy in April - May:
I’ve grouped these activations into four clusters that each refer to multiple dates:
Mercury’s Retrograde in Aries (with conjunctions to the North Node and Chiron x3)
The Sun + Solar Eclipse conjunct North Node, conjunct Chiron, and conjunct Mercury (while disposited by Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces)
Venus (in Aries as of April 5) conjunct the North Node, conjunct Mercury, and then conjunct Chiron
Mars (in Aries as of April 30), conjunct the North Node and then Chiron
Mercury, the messenger, was the first to stir the pot of fire via its entrance into Aries on March 10th.
Mercury in Aries is the unfiltered, unrestrained voice, the presentation of fresh new ideas and projects, and a bold and brazen game of Truth or Dare.
Mercury in Aries made its first set of conjunctions to the North Node (at 15°) and Chiron (at 18°) on March 18th and March 20th respectively. This was the beginning of Mercury’s pre-retrograde shadow (i.e., where Mercury travels the part of the sky that it will revisit twice more in the coming weeks).
On April 1st, Mercury stations retrograde at 27° Aries (a true April Fool’s Day!). Mercury then heads backward toward the incoming solar eclipse (on April 8th) and his second set of conjunctions with Chiron (April 15th) and the North Node, still at 15° Aries - which is where Mercury decides to pivot on April 25th, pressing his heels into that calculated point of hunger and expansion as he stations direct and begins to move forward.
Mercury makes his final, third conjunction to Chiron on May 6th while traveling direct again.
Mercury is associated with thoughts (and the nervous system), and the sign of Aries is associated with the head. Therefore, Mercury in Aries can make us all tend toward being “hot-headed” so to speak; an inflamed brain - easily angered, easily irritated, and prone to reacting impulsively without pausing to think things through more carefully.
Conversation, verbal and written exchanges, may hold a lot of blunt “heat.”
The retrograde piece of this story will involve some kind of process or review that relates to sharp words, new ideas, bold presentations and declarations, and radical offers and opportunities.
Directness is built into Aries’ nature - the path from A to B is usually a straight one… unless the path is too long and Aries chooses to remedy boredom by seeking another shiny goal in a different direction.
With Mercury doing a windy reversal through this fast-moving fire sign, we may find it necessary to hold the course (the dialogue, the negotiation, the brainstorm) for longer than expected while making necessary adjustments on route.
Mercury retrogrades can be frustrating times, but when Mercury is retrograding through Aries in particular, frustration, impatience and irritation may be at an all time high. Definitely watch out for a potential increase in speeding drivers and road rage.
Mercury’s conjunctions to the North Node invite ambitions, plans and dreams that are relevant to the house this lands in, in your birth chart. The fact that Mercury is stationing direct while conjunct the North Node on April 25th suggests that big, bold thinking is extremely encouraged during this time. There may be revisions to make, challenges to overcome, risks to navigate, diplomatic negotiations to be had, but the Messenger very well could be arriving at your doorstep with radical and exciting invitations in hand.
Mercury’s three conjunctions to Chiron in Aries remind us, via thoughts or words, where our messages may have been too fiery, where we may have unnecessarily burnt bridges - or conversely, where we are stifling the spark of vitality and truth in our self-expression because we fear the risk involved with removing the filter.
Self-assertion and fierce truth telling, even when it offends, may be just the medicine that is needed.
Somehow there’s a healing balm offered with these Mercury-Chiron transits.
There could also be someone in our life who needs an encouraging word and a helpful nudge, or there may be someone who wants to offer the same to us as they notice our moment of struggle. Our exchanges with teachers and mentors, or students and mentees, may be particularly meaningful right now.
We can practice leaning into the gifts of this Mercury retrograde by asking ourselves:
When I find my words getting sharper and sharper with frustration and irritation, is there something I can offer to soften the edges and cool the fire when necessary? Such as: A pause and a deep breath? A walk around the block to cool off? An apology?
If I’m on the receiving end of a message of great opportunity that both excites and terrifies me, how can I comfort and self-parent the inner parts of me that are scared, so I can work my growing edge?
Where in my life are direct communications, strong and loud words (even if harsh), absolutely necessary and appropriate? How can I lean into this? What arguments are worth it? Which ones are not?
Symbolically resonant activities include:
This is a bit random, but while Mercury was in its pre-rx shadow in Aries, I bought this cooling gel hat thing to soothe the tension headaches that I get (it goes in the freezer and then you put it on your head and it comes down over the eyes). Later, I thought about how this was a great Mercury in Aries remediation - it literally cools hot-headedness. So! If you are having any issues with too much heat, inflammation or tension in the head or a mind that won’t slow down, maybe this could be a resonant remediation for you too! I was also thinking I should figure out how to make this into an affiliate link lol, but I didn’t.
If you find very loud vocalizations therapeutic and you have a space where you can do this without alarming anyone, a good scream/yell may help with some particularly frustrating moments up ahead.
When Mercury conjoins with Chiron (which it will three times) consider doing a random act of kindness for a stranger, such as paying for someone’s dinner in a restaurant or leaving a kind note tied to a park bench. The unexpected randomness will keep it Aries-like.
When Mercury conjoins the North Node, consider doing some research and learning about a new area that is magnetizing you lately. Stoke your hunger for all you can learn on this topic so you are ready to take action!
I would be remiss to not cover the usual precautions when talking about remediations and symbolically resonant activities for a Mercury retrograde: e.g., back-up all your tech stuff, take extra precautions when investing in major purchases or signing contracts, and review review review all the details re: the plans, projects, and travel itineraries.
On April 8th, a total solar eclipse will occur at 19° Aries.
A solar eclipse is a special type of new moon.
During a regular new moon, the Moon is at the same degree in the zodiac as the Sun, but slightly higher or lower from our perspective. The Moon’s circle of orbit around the Earth is at a 5° angle to the Sun’s path through the sky (i.e., the ecliptic). Therefore, the Moon is invisible during a regular new moon, whereas the Sun keeps shining like it always does, uninhibited (unless it is night time, of course).
During a solar eclipse new moon however, the Moon’s path crosses with the Sun’s path and they are aligned at the same level so to speak. Even though the Moon is so much smaller than the Sun, because it is closer to Earth, when it passes directly in front of the Sun during a solar eclipse (dependent on where you are in the world and what perspective of the sky you have) the Sun will seem to disappear - or have a Moon-shaped shadow bite taken out of it.
The Path of Totality (i.e., 100% Sun coverage) for the solar eclipse is illustrated here:
This eclipse in Aries is on the North Node side of the moon’s nodal axis as opposed to the South Node side, where the matching lunar eclipse in Libra landed on March 25, 2024.
The Sun will actually first conjoin directly with the North Node on April 4, 2024, at 15° Aries, before conjoining with Chiron and the Moon for the solar eclipse at 19° Aries on April 8th (just 4° away from the North Node).
April 4th may hold a notable clue regarding the potency of the expansive and hungry solar eclipse up ahead.
You can check out my post from last October where I explored the lunar nodes in depth, but basically the North Node, as depicted by a dragon’s mouth in many mythologies, is hungry.
The North Node reaches for more. It yearns. It stretches its neck, mouth open wide.
A solar eclipse conjunct the North Node in Aries is a powerful lunation that seeds a brave new vision with huge potential.
Hungry dragons tend to be fearsome creatures, so I can’t promise ease and peace with this new beginning unfortunately. In fact the week of the eclipse could feel very intense and heavy. However, peer through the challenges - there is something vital that is awakening in you.
That which is awakening or being seeded during this solar eclipse is part of a larger narrative. When you locate yourself in the chapters below that you’ve already experienced, what do you notice?
April 19, 2023: Solar Eclipse at 29° Aries (North Node side)
*July 17, 2023: The lunar nodes leave Taurus-Scorpio & enter Aries-Libra
October 14, 2023: Solar Eclipse at 21° Libra (South Node side)
March 24, 2024: Lunar Eclipse at 05° Libra (South Node side)
April 8, 2024: Solar Eclipse at 19° Aries (North Node side)
October 2, 2024: Solar Eclipse at 10° Libra (South Node side)
*January 11, 2025: The lunar nodes leave Aries-Libra & enter Pisces-Virgo
March 29, 2025: Solar Eclipse at 9° Aries (North Node side)
What was happening around April 19, 2023, for example, with the last solar eclipse in Aries which introduced us to this series? What was happening last October 2023 as Aries’ polarity was activated?
Because of the way the eclipses begin to overlap with the zodiac signs next door, interestingly we will not experience a lunar eclipse in Aries with this set - only three solar eclipses (April 19, 2023; April 8, 2024; March 29, 2025).
New beginnings and growth are really being emphasized in the house that holds Aries in your birth chart.
If you want to catch a glimpse of an even larger thematic story, try reflecting back to the dates of the last set of North Node solar eclipses in Aries that we had 18~20 years ago on April 19, 2004, April 8, 2005, and March 29, 2006.
If we move other players aside for now (like the North Node, Chiron, and Mars), a solar eclipse is about the relationship between the Sun and the Moon.
The Sun is attuned to the public. It is the diurnal light, the luminary of the day-time waking hours.
The Sun represents the part of a person that locates them in time and space, orientates to the societal realm, and finds unique ways of relating to the environment and people around them.
The Sun is what we might call identity. It seeks to find its role in the world by constructing a solar system of resonant coordinates (of people, plans, projects) to orbit around it so that it may fully channel its vitality and vibrancy as a reciprocal gift to the temporal world that hosts it.
In contrast, the Moon is an expression of the internal self. It is the nocturnal light, the luminary of the night-time sleeping hours.
The Moon represents the part of us that is perpetually child-like (as well as ancient), participating in a flexible and nonlinear relationship to time and nostalgically dreaming of the long ago past while the Sun-self attends a work meeting with colleagues.
The Sun reminds us of our soul-centered ambitions, while the Moon centers our emotional bonds, our safety-seeking instincts, and our less “rational” yearnings.
A new moon is a merging of diurnal and nocturnal light, the external with the internal, the masculine with the feminine. New moons are fertile times for coming into deep alignment, for inviting the unconscious mind to penetrate consciousness and unite the Will for powerful manifestations of desire through action.
This is why many spell-casters begin their workings with the new moon.
Solar eclipses in particular, are potent mergers of Solar and Lunar symbolism, but they can be more jarring because the Moon has rare primacy here as it eclipses the Sun while it sits on its throne in its day-time kingdom. The more we tend to favour our public Sun-self throughout our lives, the more destabilized we may be as our Moon-self takes over and reorients us.
For those of you who have stood witness to other solar eclipses on the Path of Totality and have seen the sky darken and turn to night in the middle of the day, you will have a visceral and embodied experience of what it means when the Moon (the nocturnal, the internal, the feminine, the unconscious) takes over and reorients us - often through disorienting us first.
Eclipse chasers describe the experience of seeing a total solar eclipse (with 100% sun coverage) as such:
“I felt like I was watching the sunset on another planet while shadows moved in strange ways. A hush fell over the world as wildlife began to quiet down and our surroundings go colder,” astrologer Renee Watt says of her first total eclipse.
"The vibe is intense, mysterious, and exhilarating. It’s almost like feeling how time accelerates. I am fascinated with noticing how everyone around me feel and acts differently during eclipses," astrologer Naranaya Montúfar, who has seen seven eclipses, says.
The minutes of totality lead to reverence and connection, eclipse chasers say.
"Eclipses represent an opportunity to remind me of the greatness of the universe and the perfection with which everything operates in the sky, and that we are part of it," Hector Cordero, an environmental and urban policy constant from Washington, D.C., says. "It made me feel connected to fellow citizens in a way that I hadn’t experienced in a long time."
There’s a lot of superstition out there in the astrological community about how eclipses are dangerous and how one should stay indoors when the eclipse is passing overhead. I would challenge this approach as being perhaps a bit patriarchal, Sun-centered, and fearful of the feminine and the lunar realm.
With the Sun and the Moon exactly conjunct Chiron during the solar eclipse, a figure that is famous for his vulnerability, wounds and weaknesses, I suspect that this solar eclipse will feel even more tenderized and lunarized (?) than it normally would.
The solar eclipse is happening in the sign of Aries which has big hero-warrior vibes, as previously discussed. And the Sun, who is considered to be exalted in Aries, is the protagonist on an archetypal hero’s journey.
With Chiron involved, I anticipate that stories and experiences which activate polarities of “the hero and the helpless,” “the savior and the victim,” and “the winner and the loser,” will be front and center.
As I discussed earlier, Chiron in Aries, and especially with Chiron being conjunct the Sun and the Moon, really brings out the self-sacrificial element of Aries. It is possible that stories of people who have taken great risks to save or rescue someone, may reach news headlines that week.
The eclipse in Aries is ruled by Mars in Pisces, which will be applying to a conjunction with Saturn that perfects two days following the solar eclipse on April 10th at 14°.
Perhaps the brave rescuing efforts that occur around this time have to do with saving people from drowning, or from some other water or chemical-related threat?
Aries is a sign associated with warriors and battle, Chiron trained warriors in Greek mythology, and Mars, the warrior planet, is meeting up with Saturn, the stern teacher and mentor of the sky who likes to teach us discipline and run us through endurance tests.
Therefore, dialogue around military training and resources, particularly as it pertains to the navy and navy operations, could be prominent around this time.
Saturn has a strong interest and respect for history and traditions. Thus uncovering information about an ancestor who was a sea captain in the navy many years ago for example, would also fit this configuration.
Maybe you aren’t discovering information about an ancestor. Maybe it’s something else that is being unearthed and coming to light.
During solar eclipses when light becomes darkness and then turns to light again, surprising knowledge and realizations may emerge from the shadows.
In particular, archetypal Sun-figures (such as famous people, athletes, leaders, and influential men) may take a tumble from their thrones.
What is hidden behind perceived greatness?
(For those who are aware of Andrew Huberman’s recent throne-tumble, this solar eclipse lands tightly conjunct Huberman’s ambitious Jupiter in Aries, also conjunct his natal Chiron in Aries, and opposite his Sun, Pluto and Mercury in Libra)
I would say this is a time to be humble, to embrace vulnerability, to be honest with oneself about how one may have wronged someone - without trying to overcompensate for wounding with the arrogance of a proud warrior.
With the Sun eclipsed, Chiron extremely prominent in the sky, and Mars conjunct with Saturn in Pisces, low vitality and experiences of physical weakness and limitation could also be a part of life during the second week of April.
This feeling of low vitality, weakness, and limitation, may stand in stark contrast to a sense of urgency and frenetic energy that may also accompany that week, since this is a common experience with Aries activations.
Mars, the ruler of Aries, wants to take action quickly, while Saturn prefers to move slowly and carefully, assessing the situation thoroughly in order to proceed with the appropriate, wise response within the parameters of what is realistically possible.
For example, it could be that there is a crisis or concern that needs quick decision-making and a fast response, and yet there are certain barriers and limitations that you need to navigate first.
There’s a lot of pieces to put together with this solar eclipse configuration.
It’s a big one.
This is a solar eclipse (new moon) conjunct the North Node. It is a moment of cosmic opportunity to launch something, to take a risk and step into the unknown, pioneering a brave new plan. However, along the way we may need to unpack our beliefs and stories around what it means to be a strong leader, what it means to be a hero/ warrior/ protector/ activist, and what it really means to be courageous.
There could be some kind of invitation that calls on you to bravely make yourself visible within the public/social sphere in a new and authentic way, while confronting fears of rejection, exclusion, embarrassment, inadequacy, and failure.
If I could summarize the message of this solar eclipse, perhaps I’d express it as:
Yes, be humble and extend compassion toward your areas of wounding while leaning into your healing work - but also, go after what you want with commitment, discipline, integrity, and unquenchable ambition!
If the messages of this Mercury retrograde and solar eclipse in Aries lack clarity for you as we begin to move through April, take note of Mercury’s rx cazimi with the Sun on April 11th at 22° Aries when the astrological climate is primed for insights and illumination to roll in on a cognitive level.
We can practice leaning into the gifts of this Chironic North Node Solar Eclipse in Aries, by asking ourselves:
What authentic desire is awakening in me and coming out of the shadows? How can I step forward toward a soul-led call of opportunity with both courage and vulnerability, even bringing fear along for the ride if it insists on accompanying me?
How do I personally relate to identities and stories that orbit around the hero-the helpless, rescuer-victim and winner-loser polarities (or even the perpetrator-victim, bad guy-good guy polarities)? What are the shadows present at the extremes of either side?
What does a healthy embodiment of warrior, protector, or leadership energy look like? Where is greater sacrifice called for, and where have I sacrificed too much on behalf of a larger cause?
After experiencing several very challenging Mars-Saturn conjunctions over the years, the wisdom I have gleaned is this… In situations that are moving very quickly, that may be hemmed in by some really inflexible constraints, responsibilities, and limitations, carefully assess: where do I have agency and where do I not?
Where you do have agency, wisely use it. Rather than continuing to push against a brick wall, be strategic in your efforts. The Serenity Prayer/Invocation could very well be extremely relevant during the second week of April:
i.e., “[God] grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.”
Where and whenever possible, in the midst of high speed situations that feel time-pressured and rushed, look for moments and methods where you can locate the brakes or the pause button (this also literally applies to vehicles as well). Ask yourself, where I can slow down, even just a little bit?
As shifts occur in my identity or direction, how can I most effectively and courageously communicate these shifts to others?
Symbolically resonant activities include:
It is an excellent time to sign up for that self-defense course, martial arts program, or lifeguard training that you’ve always wanted to do. It could also be a good time to begin researching how to build the boat you’ve always wanted to, providing you proceed with thorough care, very mindful of safety protocols.
Devote yourself to a cause you are passionate about. Use your available energy that week to advocate for it.
If you’ve been avoiding therapy or some kind of wellness treatment/protocol that you want to do because you have some fear around it, this could be the right time to commit to it.
Stock up on lots of compassionate patience.
Commit to holding steady with your daily spiritual rituals and practices that keep you grounded during intense times.
Venus enters Aries on April 5th.
Venus, goddess of love, connection and beauty, is out of her natural element in Aries. Most at home in Libra and Taurus, Venus in the sign of the warrior may find herself favouring independence and alone-time over togetherness, short-term exciting flings over long-term bonds of love, and blunt directness over charming pleasantries.
Venus in Aries prefers beauty and art that transmits with a bold, subversive edge. She may find herself feeling most alive while engaged in vibrant, energizing conflict with a loved one. It may be invigorating challenges, a sense of competition, and ambitious endeavors that finally motivate her to unite with others in some capacity. Venus in Aries desires that which is worth fighting for.
Is that so wrong though?
No. Venus in Aries may just find herself moving upstream against the mainstream current at times, that’s all.
Regardless of where our natal Venus lies we may find that in regards to love, connection, beauty, art and money, we may adopt some of Venus-in-Aries’ tendencies during the month of April.
As Venus conjoins with the North Node on April 17th, about a week after the solar eclipse, the fire of our desires are sweetly tended until the blaze grows even stronger. Connections with others may be key to moving forward on our path.
On April 19th, Venus and Mercury Rx conjoin at 17° Aries and our conversations and verbal exchanges feel inspirational. Motivational cheerleading from friends and family may now commence.
Just a day on the other side of the much-anticipated Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (which I’ll write about later), Venus meets up with Chiron in Aries at 20° on April 21st (as the Sun in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius).
There’s a lot of powerful energy in the air; a lot of innovative and expansive potential vibrating through the atmosphere. In the midst of this, Venus and Chiron sensitize us toward those who are excluded, wounded, and rejected (which could also include disowned parts of ourselves). It could feel like another speed bump during an exciting and/or high-intensity time that reminds us to be authentic and inclusive, and to lead with both courageous self-assertiveness and vulnerability.
Venus and Chiron in Aries communicates: If we are going to truly win in a sustainable way, we can’t leave anyone behind.
We can practice leaning into the gifts of Venus in Aries (conjunct the North Node, Mercury, and Chiron), by asking ourselves:
What can be more effectively accomplished through partnership and with support of others, rather than on my own strength?
How can I encourage others in my life who are confronting fears, taking risks, and stepping out of their comfort zone to go after their big goals?
Symbolically resonant activities include:
Join a team sport, combining Aries competitiveness and athleticism with Venus’ desire for togetherness.
Create and share art publicly that has a high shock value. Alternatively, invest in learning an art form that has intimidated you but one that has also called to you for a long time.
Advocate for a raise.
If the conditions are right, bite the bullet and ask a stranger out on a date - or even spontaneously propose marriage to your partner!
Dress yourself in warrior-themed garb and boldly walk around in public. Venus in Aries is a Xena-Warrior-Princess kind of vibe.
Finally, after watching all of this drama unfold in its home sign of Aries while it observes through a murky lens while deep in Pisces’ infinite waters, Mars returns to its domain.
Mars enters Aries on April 30th.
On May 20th, Mars conjoins with the North Node at 14° Aries, and then conjoins with Chiron in Aries at 22° on May 29th.
By the time Mars makes these conjunctions, the Sun, Venus, and Mercury, have all moved on to Taurus and Gemini.
Yet just because the other planets are moving on, and Aries Season and Eclipse Season are over, it does not make these conjunctions any less potent.
Mars in Aries - especially throughout the second half of May as it re-activates the eclipse degree, the North Node and Chiron - will give us the push we need to move forward on what was initiated in April.
Mars in Aries is in full warrior mode and action-oriented. Here he has full access to his passion, ambition and drive.
Mars’ conjunction with the North Node may create so much “heat” it may need to be tempered slightly in order to work effectively with it (especially on a global scale - no more war please). However, when harnessed wisely, this conjunction offers a mode of propulsion that can create a tipping point of momentum, sending us flying past our fears as they loose their grip.
I see Mars’ conjunction with Chiron in Aries as an opportunity for integration and clarity around how we are healing and growing in respect to Aries-themed qualities and traits.
Chiron in Aries is activated numerous times throughout April and its message runs right through the heart of the solar eclipse.
Mars’ conjunction with Chiron at the end of May will reawaken this message (if it has begun to slumber), and remind us that moving forward into uncharted territory to claim our dreams does not necessarily mean ridding ourselves of fear and insecurity - it may mean taking them with us, as long as they stay out of the driver’s seat.
We can practice leaning into the gifts of Mars in Aries (conjunct the North Node and Chiron), by asking ourselves the following questions:
What is the difference between being independent and individuating by focusing on my own path, versus being selfish, stubborn, prideful and/or arrogant?
What do I want to change (if anything) in regards to how I relate to the element of risk in my life? Do I need to improve my risk assessment and management, or do I need to learn how to allow myself a few failures by learning to exercise my risk-taking muscle?
Do I know where the edge of burn-out is for me personally? What tells me I’m getting close to it? What steps can I put in place to avoid burning out?
If I find myself repeatedly in high-adrenaline crises or conflict-oriented situations that I say I do not want, is there a part of me that actually might be unconsciously seeking out these kinds of situations because the drama and excitement feeds and nourishes that part of me? Is there another way I can work with this part of my psyche?
Where do I land on the spectrum of conflict and expressions of anger vs. people-pleasing and compromise which the polarity of Aries and Libra holds? Is there something I want to shift here for the sake of my personal growth and the health of my relationships?
What “conditions” do I need in my life, in my environment, to resource me and enable me to access the spark of motivation, strengthen my willpower, and follow through on my goals?
Am I a “need to win or succeed at all costs” kind of person? If so, when did this belief originate? Is it still useful or helpful for me and the life I want to live? Do I need to revise my relationship to “losing” or “failing” or “being wrong”? Is my core identity strong enough to sustain this revision?
Symbolically resonant activities include:
I recently came across this Guide to Mars Remediation by astrologer Vanessa Irena that I highly recommend here. Mars may be at home in Aries and able to be super Mars-y with ease, but this also makes him extra potent - and sometimes this means that this transit becomes too hot to handle for many.
Vanessa organizes the Mars remediations into three different categories - discharging practices (e.g., exercise, weight-lifting, movement), cooling practices (e.g., hydration, meditation, yoga, baths), and devotional practices (e.g., Tuesday rituals, planetary charity such as donating to an organization that support veterans with PTSD).
Congrats, you made it to the end of this astronavigation guide!
Do you feel ready for two months of Big Ram Energy? I hope so! Good luck!
Wowww thank you so much for taking the time to write this beast of an article! I got so so much out of it, and will be saving and bookmarking for the months ahead!
I’m curious: with the Aries-Libra axis, I’ve always considered Libra more self-sacrificial and aries more self-oriented (but not sacrificing self) so was intrigued by what you said about Aries being heroically self-sacrificial! I’d love to hear more about the distinction.
Thanks again for this lovely deep-dive! I feel very held amongst the initiating chaos… :)