How I met Jupiter in a strip mall + an invitation to spread honey on your tongue
The planets are always with us - even when we are so distracted by big astrological forecasts that we stare right through them without realizing it.
On May 18th, the Sun and Jupiter came together in Taurus for their once-a-year cazimi.
As usual, this conjunction between the solar power and the great benefic create a lot of positive buzz in the astro community - to the extent that if one were to soak up all the forecasts they might start anticipating that they were going to have the best, most luckiest day ever, that something super exciting and glamourous was about to happen, like a winning the lottery or being offered a huge opportunity.
But there are over 8 billion people on the planet; will each one of them be having a stupendously fantastic day when the Sun and Jupiter conjoin each year?
Nope. Of course not.
Astrologers June (of Saturn & Honey) and Lindsay (of Bad Pastor Astrology) published some great Instagram reel rants on this topic recently (see here and here).
And yet…
Jupiter may indeed be arriving in your life with deliciousness.
However, sometimes when we are so busy scanning the horizon for the dramatic entrance of “the luckiest transit,” we risk missing the planets when they sneak into our lives and show up right in front of our face.
For example, last Friday evening, just as the cazimi was moving toward its exactness, I unexpectedly encountered Jupiter in an otherwise boring strip mall.
Well, actually, I would say Jupiter was accompanying me throughout the entire three hour walk I took to both the strip mall (where I had something to return at the grocery store), and the library (where I had books to drop off and pick up).
First of all, it was one of the most beautiful spring days we’ve had yet. I wore sandals for the first time since the winter! After a lot of busy, concentrated work indoors, I let myself savor the sun on my face while taking the long way through familiar trails with a backpack on my back.
So already I’m basking in the vitality, the warmth, the fresh energy that a Sun-Jupiter cazimi can bring, while enjoying nature - a reflection of the Sun and Jupiter conjoining in the sign of Taurus.
While I walked, I listed to a podcast episode about “The Role of the Body in Psychedelic Therapy”, which I realized brings together both the sign of Taurus, via the body theme, with the planet Jupiter, via the expansive mind-altering states experienced through psychedelics theme.
Jupiter brings a sense of “bigness” to whatever it touches. I had intentionally embarked on a very long walk, and when I arrived at the library I brought my total number of borrowed books up to 90 - absurd, and yes I have a library addiction.
The new books I added to my collection included titles like The Wholistic Healing Guide to Cannabis, Art of the Grimoire: An Illustrated History of Magic Books and Spells, and Forage & Stitch: Using Natural Materials in Textile Art.
All of these titles resonate with the energy of Taurus and/or Jupiter.
After visiting the library, I walked onward to the grocery store to return a product. Of course I grabbed a couple chocolate bars on the way to the cash, because oh my god chocolate is one of life’s greatest pleasures (imho). I nibbled on one as I started toward home, thoroughly enjoying the sensory delights of that warm spring evening - Jupiter is abundance, and Taurus is the sign of yummy food.
However, I would say that I most powerfully encountered Jupiter that evening when I noticed a store hidden at the very end of the otherwise boring strip mall that I hadn’t seen before. From the outside, I glimpsed a sparkling multi-colored interior.
They described themselves as an “Indian Store selling Jewelry, Home Decor, Hindu God Idols, Puja items, Indian festival items.”
Inside, the store overloaded my senses in a way that energetically transported me elsewhere. It was filled wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling with bright and vibrant imported goods.
The two men behind the counter greeted me with warm smiles and turned down the music (slightly).
I inhaled deeply - the entire place was soaked in the smell of incense.
Jupiter is the planet of the bright and the abundant, the planet of cross-cultural experiences and spiritual beliefs. It is also the planet of horizon-expanding adventures.
Taurus is the sign of pretty things.
My cells still vibrating with the energy of sun and chocolate, I enthusiastically dove into my little cross-cultural adventure at the end of the strip mall and got a full tour by the man who ran the shop.
After expressing some interest in purchasing incense, I was presented with their full array of incense-related paraphernalia.
For years I’ve wanted one of those charcoal burners with a long handle so that I could more easily walk through a space with it - so of course I needed to purchase one right then and there! To hell with my tight budget! Jupiter doesn’t believe in restrictive budgets!
I’ll forever think of it as my Sun-Jupiter cazimi possession. I mean, it even looks so Sun-Jupiter with its glossy brass colour and dome-shape, designed to hold heat.
My sister says it reminds her of Aladdin’s lamp.
The Genie - similar to Santa Clause, another Jupiterian figure - is such a brilliant expression of the Jupiter archetype with his ability to offer wish fulfillment.
Big, bright, loud, and jolly; the Genie is ready to expand your horizons and introduce you to A Whole New World…
In contrast, Aladdin himself is a great reflection of a Mercury/Gemini archetype - the polarity of Jupiter/Sagittarius. Too, we could say that Aladdin is a kind of Jupiter-in-Gemini figure; an expression of the energy we will start tapping into on May 25th when Jupiter enters the sign of Gemini.
So anyway, that is my mundane yet delicious story of encountering Jupiter while doing errands on foot!
My goal with sharing this everyday kind of experience and teasing apart the details where Jupiter in Taurus, illuminated by the Sun, kept showing up again and again, is to offer the reminder that the planets are always with us - even when we are so distracted by big astrological forecasts that we stare right through them without realizing it.
In my natal chart, Taurus shows up in my 10th house of career, vocational ambitions, and public roles.
Certainly I have noticed some major growth in this area in the past couple of months with all the recent Taurus activity, but during the much anticipated Sun-Jupiter cazimi on May 18th, it was the encounter with Jupiter on my walk to and from the grocery store that left the most vivid, lasting impression on me that weekend.
On May 23rd, Jupiter and Venus conjoin in Taurus!
I almost got up at 5 AM to work some astromagic at the time of the exact conjunction between Jupiter and Venus in Taurus this morning.
Because look at this powerful chart with a Taurus Ascendant and Venus, the ruler of Taurus, conjoining with Jupiter riiiight on that potent Eastern horizon degree… while the two of them sextile Neptune in Pisces as the full moon in Sagittarius (ruled by Jupiter in Taurus) was moving toward culmination…
Furthermore, the conjunction on May 23rd occurred on Thursday in my timezone - which is Jupiter’s day! Extra astromagic juice.
However, I decided to honour the relaxation-vibes of this Jupiter-Venus duo by remaining in bed, lol.
I then got out of bed at the more reasonable hour of 7 AM to conduct my little spell ritual (which you can read about at the bottom of this post).
Generosity, gifts, and material gain are some of the big themes present with this “ultra-lucky” conjunction featuring the sky’s two benefics - which of course, might not be so lucky, but I’ll get into the disclaimers in a minute.
First, you may find it helpful to revisit this forecast I wrote for the Venus-Jupiter conjunction in my recent post about Taurus Season:
On May 23, Venus meets with the planet of luck, generosity, and success - right at the very edge of Taurus. The 29th degree. Oof, soon we will say goodbye to Jupiter in Taurus.
This day may feel edgy… as if there is something wonderful and magnificent we are trying to make happen under a deadline.
But if it comes through at its best, this conjunction could be glorious and dreamy. The duo in Taurus make a sextile to Neptune in Pisces as they conjoin, heightening the bliss.
Venus with Jupiter is THE transit of gifts and gift-giving, and Taurus as a sign, adores beautiful material things.
Together, Venus and Jupiter is the sparkling engagement ring at the moment of proposal, the big promotion at work, an extravagant birthday party, a surprising win at the casino, and an avalanche of presents.
I would also say that Venus and Jupiter together are excellent for networking. The people in your life have resources, skills and connections that can help you and your endeavors grow and flourish - and vice versa. In general, May 23rd is a great day to spend with loved ones.
We can practice leaning into the gifts of Venus conjoining with Jupiter by asking ourselves:
How can I be open to receiving around May 23, 2024? What is trying to find its way to me? What internal barriers might I have erected against welcoming it into my life?
Symbolically resonant activities include:
Around May 23rd, play around with visual branding, whether or not you run your own business. If you were to use a logo, particular images, or certain branding colors to represent your natal Taurus-house, what would they be and look like? If you decide to create them, how do these designs give you greater clarity on how this area of life wants to express in the world?
May 23, 2024 is an ideal moment to give back - if you have the resources to do so, make a sizable donation to a charity that aligns with your values. Or, generously offer your unique knowledge, skills, resources, encouragement and compassion in a way that lifts up and supports someone else.
Okay, now for the disclaimers.
Here are 5 reasons why you might not experience a global transit in the beautiful way it is described by astrologers speaking to the general public (including myself).
The transit may not be strongly activating your natal chart - or, it may be activating your natal chart in a way that presents some integrative challenges to the point where there is “too much” of a good thing - or the “good thing” is complicated by other factors.
Like receiving a marriage proposal you don’t want, or splurging on a luxury item that sends you into debt, or eating too many deserts and developing a stomach ache. Consider where the transit is occurring in your natal chart by sign, house, and aspect to add further nuance to your individual experience of the transit. When you add a layer of personalized and nuanced interpretation, at least you know “where” in life you should be looking for the expression of the transit.
As the supposedly pleasant transit occurs, you may be concurrently experiencing a much louder and more difficult transit that drowns out the more easeful and positive qualities of the “pleasant transit.”
For example, it may be hard to appreciate that delicious meal when you just lost your job and found out you need to fly across the country to support a family member in dire need.
Your current circumstances, environment and context may unfortunately be so restricted and limited in this material, earthly realm that transits of abundance and pleasure may not have a lot to work with at that time.
Instead, you may experience a subtle renewing of your internal strength to help you make it through a very difficult chapter, for example.
Your personal relationship to the planets involved in the transit (and the energies, archetypes, and qualities they represent) may be a tense and complicated one that causes you to brace against them.
For example, a lot of people have a complicated relationship to supposedly good, desirable things like pleasure, optimism, wealth, and success, for understandable reasons. These “good things” have the potential to activate difficult emotions like shame, guilt, and vulnerability for many of us.
And finally, as I’ve described, the helpful transit may be indeed manifesting positively in your life, but not in the way you were expecting - and thus you may overlook its gifts.
For example, a friend who has Taurus in their 7th house (commonly associated with close friends, partners, and committed relationships) was becoming irritated with all the recent astrological forecasts about the tremendous opportunity that was supposed to be occurring in the Taurus realm of the birth chart. This felt discordant with her experience at a time in life when she has been feeling incredibly isolated - except for her beloved dog she shares her life with.
Her dog recently had a cancer scare and lately my friend’s life has revolved around researching the very best supplements and nutritional supports to help her dog avoid any further cancer growth. She has learned a tremendous amount in her devotion to her best friend.
Taurus is a sign associated food, as well with nature and animals. I suggested to her that perhaps her dog was in her 7th house, representing a very committed relationship indeed. On the day of the Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus for example, I received photos of what must be the happiest, grinniest dog in the world, out on a beautiful hike with my friend.
Regardless of how a planetary transit may or may not be showing up, if we have the capacity to lean into it, we can always look for opportunities to intentionally embody the energies and qualities at play in the cosmos.
When meditating on the Venus-Jupiter conjunction, I pulled the Ace of Cups:
All of the four Aces in the RWS deck feature an outstretched hand, but only the Ace of Cups depicts an overflowing of the element involved - in this case, water.
This got me thinking about how it is when we are receptive to the abundance that wants to arrive with openness and gratitude (without clinging to it due to scarcity fears), it then can generously overflow to others with ease.
Venus and Jupiter together is an incredibly generous combo. It presents both a time to welcome in the goodness that wants to come to you, as well as a time to bless and encourage others with what you have to give.
The “cup” in this tarot card, as a type of container, partially inspired the following ritual that I engaged with on the morning of May 23rd. I’ve included it here in this newsletter below, in case you want to try it yourself - perhaps either tonight if you have time, or on Friday (tomorrow), Venus’ day.
Please feel free to adapt as necessary!
Honey & Dandelion Ritual for Venus & Jupiter in Taurus
Supplies needed:
A jar of honey*; two spoons; a small empty glass jar with a lid; small pieces of paper and your favourite drawing/writing utensils; two dandelions that have gone to seed if these are accessible to you; appropriate herbs of your choosing; candles, music, and whatever else you use to set sacred space.
*I chose honey because a) I wanted to create a honey jar spell, and b) honey seemed to me the perfect delicious medium to transition us from Taurus to Gemini (both Venus and Jupiter will move into Gemini in the next couple of days). The sweet golden sticky liquid of honey is such a perfect symbolic expression of Venus in Taurus, while the bees that make the honey remind me of the sign of Gemini with all their busy busy to-and-fro pollinating motion.
If you dislike honey, you could choose a sweet substance like ice-cream for the mindfulness exercise. Ice-cream is made from dairy, which wouldn’t exist without the help of cows - thus it is another symbolically resonant Taurean treat.
Part 1:
Set up sacred ritual space in the way that you like to (e.g., with privacy, candles, your altar, music, casting a circle of protection, etc.).
On one of the small pieces of paper draw a picture of a flower with six petals (Jupiter’s number is 3 and Venus’ number is 6). In each of the petals write something that you are grateful for.
With the drawing in front of you, imagine the drawing as a 3D real flower, bright and beautiful and open to the sun. Imagine a bee landing on the flower to collect nectar which it will then use to make the honey you will eat.
Take a spoonful of honey and scoop it on to your tongue. Don’t rush. Mindfully stay with the sensation of sweetness and notice what comes up for you. Can you let in the sweetness of honey? Of life itself? What do you notice in the rest of your body as you stay with the sensation of taste?
Now think about the six things you are grateful for. Can you let them in too? Can you let that sweetness linger on your tongue?
Slowly swallow the honey and let it coat your throat. Give thanks to the bees, to the sun, to the flowers, to Jupiter and to Venus.
Part 2:
For the second part of my ritual I created a honey jar. Sweetening spells have been used in folk magic around the world, but I believe honey jars specifically, are rooted in the Hoodoo tradition. There are plenty of honey jar instructions online if you want to search for variation ideas.
Honey, as a sweet and sticky substance, acts like a magnet in spell work, drawing your desires toward you just like Venus serves the cosmos by acting as the great energy of attraction and magnetization.
Fill 2/3s of the glass jar with honey.
Cut out the paper flower petals with your notes of gratitude and put them into the jar with dried herbs of your choosing (I added a small dried rose bud in honor of Venus).
Now write a petition on another small piece of paper of something you desire that you want to call into your life.
If you live somewhere where dandelions are plentiful and in season you can add dandelion seeds to your jar in honour of Jupiter and its expansive qualities.
Pour more honey into the jar until it is full, and then seal it.
Now, if you can, go outside with another spoonful of honey and smear some on a rock for some of the world’s smallest inhabitants to enjoy - like ants!
Find another dandelion that has gone to seed and with your honeyed breath, send the dandelion seeds into flight as you give thanks and imagine living the reality of what you are calling into your life.
I hope that served you if you chose to take part!
If you are curious about the connection between dandelions and Jupiter, as well as the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, you may be interested in a post I published on this topic back in May of 2020:
Beautiful post. I love how your story illustrated the “mundane” ways that planetary archetypal energies can show up. And thank you for the lovely ritual suggestion. 🍯🐝💛